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Current Stats
(as of January 16, 2014)

Average Posts Per Week: 3
Combined Readership: 2583
Average Daily Views: 200 +
Average Monthly Views: 5000 +

Purchase an Ad Space

Feature Spot (200x250px banner) - $20 per month.
Top position. Appears above all other ads for maximum exposure! Only one spot available at a time.

Large Ad (200x200px banner) - $15 per month.
Only three spots available at a time. Appears above all medium and small ads!

Medium Ad (200x150px banner) - $10 per month.
Only three spots available at a time. Appears above all small ads!

Small Ad (200x100px banner) - $5 per month.
Only four spots available at a time.

Text Link - $10 per month.

Ad Swapping

I also offer ad/button sponsor swaps for blogs with a similar readership to mine.  Sponsor swap ad sizes are 200x100px and may remain on my sidebar for as long as my own ad remains on yours.

Giveaways & Product Reviews

Have an item that you'd like me to review and/or giveaway on the blog? Send me an email with the product details and we can work something out!

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